I tried to figure out what to do with my flowers.
I got nothing.
I need more supplies but I'm broke so that will just have to wait.
The baby tried to stay clean, but failed. So I tried to get her changed. And then this happened...
Doesn't her head look gigantic?
Yes, I tried to use my faux bro's camera again.
No, I still I have no idea what I'm doing.
And yet, these aren't the blurriest ones I took...

That is the blurriest one I took.
Ok, let's put a shirt on this kid already.
Gee, I wonder who decorated this one?
Mia's new favorite thing is to try to roll over while getting changed.
It can get a little awkward.
Walls get in the way.
But she usually figures it out.
Baby leggings = Best invention ever.
Oh man baby diaper butt. These are the things I talk about these days...yikes.
I think I'll try to get a life tomorrow.
Then I decided to try to make some cookies.
I also tried to look cool in my apron...
Not so sure about that one.
But the cookies were a success!
Ok, one more of the baby...
It's ok to die a little.
I don't blame you.
Let's blame her.
quite possibly the cutest baby I have ever seen... yes, even cuter then my own. shhhhh... don't tell.