My friend Cody burned me pretty bad a few months ago. He had been doing some crazy job in the middle of no where Colorado and had returned home to Atlanta. He asked me if I wanted to hang out. "Of course!" I said. The dates when I knew he would be in town had arrived. I picked up my cell phone and called his number. No answer. So I left a voicemail. No return phone call. Burn.
A few months and a lame apology later Cody invited me to be his guest of honor at the Great Atlanta Chili Cook-Off. I accepted.
There were lots of um..."colorful" people.
Lots of um... "colorful" displays
Of course pirates were there?
I was approached by this particular pirate shortly after this photo was taken. We clinked our beers together and he advised me that I was a "lovely wench". Best compliment I got all day...or ever for that matter...
Oh yeah, and there was chili. IMPORTANT NOTE: Never wear a white shirt to a chili cook-off. I was totally asking for this stain.
Cody's um... "lovely" cut-off shorts were the casualty of his outfit. Thank goodness it wasn't his shirt. Yes, that's a Travis Tritt T-Shirt. No, you can't have it. I already asked.
All the chili tastings came in little plastic shot glasses. Which is a really intense way to eat chili.
And then...

It rained.

Luckily I had this um..."lovely" green poncho.

But when this started happening, we called it quits.
In spite of the rain and the bad (really bad) Beatles cover band, I can see my attendance at this event in the future.
i'm glad to see that cody finally told somebody that he's still alive.