In honor of the fifth month I have decided to set five goals...
- Blog s'more (summer break should give me more time...maybe. Notice I didn't say everyday cause for real it's not gonna happen. Baby steps)
- Drink only water (ok honestly I'm gonna have alcohol on the weekend but not a lot I promise. Plus I feel like soda is worse than anything)
- Exercise AT LEAST three times per week (haha yeah baby steps)
- Start a daily drawing (and post them here. eventually.)
- Have an awesome birthday (some goals have to be easy and achievable mmkay?)
Eew what a touchy feely post! I always kind of dread these from the other blogs I read. But I feel like I won't do unless I put it out there. To make up for this terribly horrible wordy post I will photobomb you. Which will also show that I hang only out with a very exclusive (sure we'll go with exclusive) group of people.